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Tikri Village Bus Stand - Bus Number & Route

Total buses from the Tikri Village bus stop: 5

Bus No.First BusBus Route (Starts ⇌ Ends)
🚌  938ACL09:09 AMAzadpur Terminal Tikri Border Metro Station
🚌  938LINKSTL06:38 AMKanjhawala Depot (Narela Road) Tikri Border Metro Station
🚌  98110:45 AMSinghu Border GT Road Tikri Border Metro Station
🚌  981A01:26 PMBawana Village Tikri Border Metro Station
🚌  981STL07:00 AMRani Khera Depot 3 Tikri Border Metro Station

Other bus stops near Tikri Village Bus Stop

Metro stations near Tikri Village Bus Stop

⊚ Tikri Kalan Metro Station (0.3 KM)⊚ Tikri Border Metro Station (1.0 KM)⊚ Ghevra Metro Station (2.2 KM)⊚ Pandit Shree Ram Sharma Metro Station (2.2 KM)⊚ Bahadurgarh City Metro Station (3.8 KM)