
Ashok Nagar to Koyambedu Metro Route

Trip starts ☞
Green Line Platform 2 Towards MGR Central (Chennai Central)
Trip ends 🙏

Ashok Nagar to Koyambedu first metro, last metro, distance
Travel Time Approx Duration.
⏱ 0:10:54 hh:mm:ss
Total Distance Approx Distance.
⛗ 6 KM
Total Stops Source Excluded.
◉ 5 Stations
Interchange No. of Train Changes.
☵ 0 Change
Token Fare Per Person.
₹ 30
Smart Card Fare After Discount.
₹ 27
Discounted Fare For Sunday & National Holidays (2nd Oct, 15th Aug, 26th Jan).
₹ 0
💁 Note: The information is for reference only.

🦺 Safety Tips

  • Beware of pickpockets.
  • Don't use mobile while onboard/deboard.
  • Don't use mobile at coach gates.
  • Don't force to open the coach gates.
  • Don't be personal with strangers.