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859 Bus Route
DTC 859 Bus Route - Timings & Distance
DTC 859 Bus Route Timetable (Schedule) from Shivaji Stadium Terminal
06:00 AM
06:10 AM
06:20 AM
06:50 AM
07:00 AM
07:30 AM
07:40 AM
08:20 AM
08:30 AM
09:10 AM
09:40 AM
09:50 AM
10:40 AM
10:50 AM
11:00 AM
11:20 AM
11:30 AM
11:50 AM
12:00 PM
12:10 PM
12:20 PM
12:30 PM
01:00 PM
01:20 PM
01:50 PM
02:00 PM
02:10 PM
02:20 PM
02:30 PM
02:40 PM
02:50 PM
03:00 PM
03:10 PM
03:30 PM
03:40 PM
04:00 PM
04:10 PM
04:20 PM
04:30 PM
04:40 PM
04:50 PM
05:00 PM
05:10 PM
05:20 PM
05:30 PM
05:40 PM
05:50 PM
06:00 PM
06:10 PM
06:30 PM
06:40 PM
07:10 PM
07:30 PM
07:40 PM
07:50 PM
08:10 PM
08:20 PM
08:30 PM
08:40 PM
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DTC 859 Bus Route FAQs:
𝒜. DTC 859 Bus runs from Shivaji Stadium Terminal to Najafgarh Terminal and vice-versa from Shivaji Stadium Terminal to Najafgarh Terminal.
𝒜. The first trip of DTC 859 Bus is at 06:00 AM and last trip at 08:40 PM from Shivaji Stadium Terminal to Najafgarh Terminal,.
𝒜. DTC 859 Bus route has total 58 stops.
𝒜. DTC 859 Bus has total 59 trips.