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Khel Gaon / Siri Fort Road Bus Stand - Bus Number & Route

Total buses from the Khel Gaon / Siri Fort Road bus stop: 3

Bus No.First BusBus Route (Starts ⇌ Ends)
🚌  41306:32 AMNizamuddin Railway Station Mehrauli Terminal
🚌  540ACL07:29 AMSafdurjung Terminal Tara Apartments Terminal
🚌  540CL08:05 AMKendriya Terminal (Church Road) Tara Apartments Terminal

Other bus stops near Khel Gaon / Siri Fort Road Bus Stop

Metro stations near Khel Gaon / Siri Fort Road Bus Stop

⊚ Hauz Khas Metro Station (1.02 KM)⊚ Hauz Khas Metro Station (1.02 KM)⊚ Panchsheel Park Metro Station (1.16 KM)⊚ Green Park Metro Station (1.20 KM)⊚ Chirag Delhi Metro Station (1.68 KM)⊚ Chirag Delhi Metro Station (1.68 KM)⊚ IIT Metro Station (1.95 KM)⊚ AIIMS Metro Station (1.98 KM)⊚ South Extension Metro Station (2.10 KM)⊚ Moolchand Metro Station (2.52 KM)