Select DTC Bus No.

829STL Bus Route from Rewla Khanpur Depot

Bus StartsRewla Khanpur Depot
Bus EndsShikar Pur Village
First Bus06:10 AM
Last Bus07:40 AM
Total Trips5
Total Stops7

Bus Stops on DTC 829STL Bus Route:
Rewla Khanpur Depot to Shikar Pur Village

⏹ Bus Stop Name⏱ First BusDistance (KM)
⏹  Rewla Khanpur Depot06:10 AM0
⏹  Pandwala Crossing06:14 AM1.2
⏹  Osho Dhyan Mandir Jhatikra Road06:16 AM0.5
⏹  Daulat Pur Crossing06:21 AM1.2
⏹  Shikar Pur Crossing06:23 AM0.6
⏹  Sarvodya School Daulat Pur06:24 AM0.2
⏹  Shikar Pur Village06:31 AM1.7
Total Distance: 5.39 KM

📅  DTC 829STL Bus Route Timings (Schedule)

🕑   06:10 AM
🕑   06:20 AM
🕑   07:10 AM
🕑   07:20 AM
🕑   07:40 AM

Other DTC Bus Routes

DTC 829STL Bus Route FAQs:

𝒜. DTC 829STL Bus runs from Rewla Khanpur Depot to Shikar Pur Village and vice-versa from Shikar Pur Village to Rewla Khanpur Depot.

𝒜. The first trip of DTC 829STL Bus is at 06:10 AM towards Shikar Pur Village, and at 08:40 PM towards Rewla Khanpur Depot.

𝒜. The last trip of DTC 829STL Bus is at 07:40 AM towards Shikar Pur Village, and at 08:40 PM towards Rewla Khanpur Depot.

𝒜. DTC 829STL Bus route has total 7 stops.

𝒜. DTC 829STL Bus has total 5 trips.