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Zakhira (Rohtak Road) Bus Stand - Bus Number & Route

Total buses from the Zakhira (Rohtak Road) bus stop: 2

Bus No.First BusBus Route (Starts ⇌ Ends)
🚌  90607:11 AMISBT Nityanand Marg West Enclave / Sansad Vihar (T)
🚌  96806:02 AMInderlok Metro Station Dhansa Border

Other bus stops near Zakhira (Rohtak Road) Bus Stop

Metro stations near Zakhira (Rohtak Road) Bus Stop

◉ Inderlok Metro Station (0.55 KM)◉ Inderlok Metro Station (0.55 KM)◉ Ashok Park Main Metro Station (1.12 KM)◉ Ashok Park Main Metro Station (1.12 KM)◉ Satguru Ram Singh Marg Metro Station (1.13 KM)◉ Shastri Nagar Metro Station (1.47 KM)◉ Kanhaiya Nagar Metro Station (1.50 KM)◉ Punjabi Bagh Metro Station (2.02 KM)◉ Punjabi Bagh Metro Station (2.02 KM)◉ Shadipur Metro Station (2.08 KM)

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